Document Details

Document Type : Thesis 
Document Title :
The Quotation With Arabic Poetry in Sebawaih's Book
الاستشهاد بالشعر العربي في كتاب سيبويه
Subject : The Quotation With Arabic Poetry in Sebawaih's Book 
Document Language : Arabic 
Abstract : included Search masters on the front, and two doors, and a conclusion. The introduction has paved the way in which the subject of the letter, said the reason for choosing the subject. The first section has talked about Sibawayh, scientific and prestige, it has paved the way for the remembrance of the highlights of the environment Sibawayh in the country of Iraq where he grew up. Then he talked about the rate of birth and upbringing and morals, the elderly, and his disciples, and his books and scientific stature, and elaborated on the history of his life from his birth until his death. The second dealt with the Arabic poetry cited in the book Sibawayh, this section has been included on the four chapters: Chapter One: I talked about the book Sibawayh, scientific value, and the views of the applicants, and the order of its doors, and the grammatical terminology. Chapter II dealt with the sources cited in Arabic poetry when grammarians, namely: the Koran, the Hadith, poetry, prose. Chapter III: talked about poetry and its codification and documentation of the novel, and the rules of the protest at Hair grammarians, and in violation of grammatical rules (of necessity and homosexuality). Chapter IV: In this chapter, I talked about the large number of evidence in the book of poetic Sibawayh, and influenced by grammarians after him in this approach, and the extent of commitment to the rules of the protest Sibawayh hair, and necessity of poetry in a book Sibawayh. Conclusion Finally, a brief summary of the salient features in this search. The most important results are ble: Put grammarians rules protest Arabic poetry, where clamped two frames for the health of the protest Hair horizontal framework where identified some tribes cited, such as a lion, and Havel, and some Kenana, and some Taiaan, and left the protest with some tribes, namely: Lkhm, and leprosy, and otter, and Ghassan, and Iyad, and overcome, and the tiger, and Bakr, Abdul Qays, Azad and Oman, and the people of Yemen, and Banu Hanifa, and the inhabitants of Al-Yamamah, and educated, and the people of Taif, and the capital of the Hijaz after the codification of the language. The vertical frame is intended by the time period set by scientists for the health of martyrdom that as they put a time frame for the period invoked her words, this period has varied depending on the places While we find the people of Bedouin protesting their word until the late fourth century, we find the people of the urban protest their word until the late second century of migration. Poets have been divided into four layers, namely: - Ignorant layer: They who lived before Islam and this layer protesting their word consensus. - Seasoned layer: They are who they realized ignorance, Islam, and this layer protesting the poetry of poets unanimously. - Applicants layer: They are Islamists and this layer rather argue with her hair. - Mestizo layer: they, after the Islamists, and does not invoke these Bchaaram. Bashar bin is cold the first modernists, and the arguments have another son senescent, have been scrapped for Sibawayh protest claim hair Bashar because he did not cite any house him. This has put grammarians in addition to the two earlier frameworks strict limits of that is that hair if it is possible for several aspects fell invoked, also speaking on condition that the narrator Mtcefa justice, and do not need to be the subject of hair or abnormality. Also prevented the protest poetry or prose writer does not know, and it gave as the reason for two things: A - the fear that the generator B - or be a narrator who can not be trusted eloquence. Then offered to the views of grammarians in the opinion of the necessity and began Sibawayh; where he saw that what may be necessary for the poet in his hair, which is not permissible for him to speak. Then stated in the opinion of Ibn reap the necessity where he saw that necessity is all that violates the rule that grammarians decided by arguing that the need or offbeat. Then said the large number of evidence in the book of poetic Sibawayh; it fifty thousand and saw my hair numbered. Number of verses cited by Sibawayh nine and four hundred Quranic verse has been reached, as the number of conversations cited by only seven conversations. The number of proverbs invoked by Sibawayh forty-one example only. Which shows us that Sibawayh adoption of martyrdom in the hair than dependence on other Quranic verses and hadiths and Arab proverbs. - And then talked about how Sibawayh commitment to the rules of the protest when grammarians, and the two windows, which had been already spoken with them, I have found that Sibawayh did not differentiate between the tribe and the other; where tribes that have protested protested by which: Qais, and Tamim, a lion, and Havel, and Kenana, and Quraish, the Aws and Khazraj tribes also protested Sibawayh which did not cite them, namely: Abd al-Qays, and Iyad, and Bakr, and beat, and educated, and the people of Yemen, and otter, and Alozd. He also found Sibawayh cited by Scott tribes and these tribes are: Bjeelh, and the sons of Tim ibn al-Harith, and sound, OCP, and Khath'am. As for the vertical frame has Sibawayh embrace him, because all the poets who protested against them were in the era of protest, as Sibawayh died within the year 180 AH, and poets of that period who are protesting their word. - Then said the verses of necessity contained in the book Sibawayh - Evidence unknowns view was counted in the book and found it Sibawayh Forty-seven and one hundred witness, has stood on them the names of six poets. If grammarians have been prevented anonymous poetry of protest, saying we find that Imam grammarians have protested unknown notify the view, none against and one of the grammarians. 
Supervisor : Dr.Wahbah M . O. Salemah 
Thesis Type : Master Thesis 
Publishing Year : 1403 AH
1983 AD
Number Of Pages : 520 
Added Date : Monday, December 7, 2015 


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صباح عبد الله بافضلBafadhel, Sabah


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